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Don't Despair My dear Ummah.
I'm sure everyone knows about what's happening in Egypt. It's not a little thing. After the Military Coup , the Egyptian protesters stand up for Islam. You can tell these protesters don't only want Morsi back but they want Islam in their country, they want the shariah. They want Justice, for Egypt to be a strong Islamic country not relying on anyone except Allah. The mistake that most Muslims are making is that they group them up to be akhwan al muslimeen emphasizing that they are secting themselves. I myself detest secting myself but from what I've seen they are plentiful, and you can't possibly say that all these people out there are "akhwan al muslimeen." It's not about being from this sect! Islam is one religion. The thing is, it was always the same problem in every Arab country. We have always been separated and this what made us weak. Each one having it's own sect and opinion as if it's a different religion. Each one thinking that they are superior than the other sect thinking their laws are sufficient and more correct. I don't understand why? We have one Quran, one Book, one religion, one God, we believe in everything that Allah has revealed and his prophet Muhammad along with the other prophets. So, why do you have to be separated like this? The Muslim Ummah is one!

There are Muslims that want to separate religion from Life, when religion is brought down to us for guidance, as a way of life. If you think that God gave you a Quran to just read it and not practice anything from it, then what's the point of it? If you think that Allah has nothing got to do with "politics" then you suppose your laws are better than your creator? If you believe so, how can you call yourself Muslim?  How can you call yourself a servant of Allah?

Practicing your religion is not only living your home life. Don't crown yourselves. Life is not only about you. There are different people in this world. Being a Muslim is also caring for your Muslim brothers and sisters who are now dieing from oppression in Syria, in prison, where ever they may be. 
Allah سبحانه وتعالى revealed:
إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
"The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy." [Al-Hujjurat, 49:10]
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم also said about brotherhood: "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." [Bukhari & Muslim]
Islam is about implementing it as a way of life. Religion is a word used to describe deen a way of life, and most people take this word wrong, as if it's a separate subject of interest.

As we now see, I feel like Allah is clearing everything for us. It's as if it's an age of "Clearance." To testify the truth from the falsehood. What we thought to be true turned out to be false, and what we thought to be false turned out to be true. Nearly everywhere in the Arab world, there is a kind of turmoil. And that's because there is a reason for this spring. Everything happens for a reason. It's true we are seeing so many deaths and Islam is getting attacked all over the world, but that's because Allah plans and his plans are the best of plans. The more we are getting attacked, the more Islam is rising up. More people are seeing this religion to be a light of truth, reverts are flooding the western countries and they know it. And because of this, it's scaring the leaders. They know how powerful Islam is, they judge in such a wrong way, Islam is by no means a religion of violence.

We should take into consideration the story of Khidr and Musa (peace be upon them). How our minds seem to question a situation negatively before we deeply contemplate about the situation. Why is Allah sending us this trial? Why are so many Muslims suffering? Before we begin to question. We should think about it. If you read the Quran, you'll understand why all this is happening. This life is nothing compared to the hereafter. If Allah didn't send down upon us a test then what's the point of this life? We need to open our hearts and minds, we need to search for the truth. We need to be sincere.

For every sad event that seems to come to pass, take it to be a means of more rewards. A chance for us all to walk on the road of Jihad. Allah always wants good for us, and so he takes us to Jannah by giving us these trials. Of course, it's hard. No one said, it's easy.

The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to always have a smile on his face even after passing all these difficulties in his life. I wish I could be like him, what a beautiful man, what a beautiful example. With true faith and sincerity, anything is possible!

At the end, Allah will only make the righteous believers victorious. And no matter what the hypocrites and the disbelievers accomplish, know that falsehood is bound to perish and truth will always shine at the end of hardship.
"Allah always achieves His aim. Allah has appointed a measure for all things."  (al-Talaaq, 65:3)
And Allah knows best!


It Is Forbidden To Hope For Death
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

Abu Hurairah (radi allahu 'anhu) related that the Messenger of Allah (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) said, "Let none among you wish for death or supplicate for it to occur before it actually arrives; when one dies, his deeds come to an end. And age does not add to a believer except in goodness." (Ahmad) That it is allowed to ask for death when the trials come to pass is proven by a long Hadeeth related by Mu'aadh (radi allahu 'anhu): "O Allah, I ask You (to guide me to) the doing of good deeds; (I ask You to) forgive me and have mercy on me. And if You wish a trial for a people, then take me to You with death, without me being put to trial. 0 Allah, I ask You (to grant me) Your love, the love of those who love You, and the love of every deed that brings me closer to Your love." (Ahmad) These narrations indicate that there will come a very severe and difficult time upon the people, when the Muslims will not have Jamaa'ah established upon the truth — this is either for the entire earth or some parts of it.

[Taken from the book of the end by Ibn Kathir]

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Permission To Withdraw From People...
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

Permission To Withdraw From People When Trials Become Severe And When Desires Become Deeply Ingrained

In the Hadeeth of Huthaifah (radi allahu 'anhu) when he asked what to do when there is neither Imam nor Jamaa'ah, the Prophet (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) said, "Withdraw yourself from all of those groups, even if that means for you to bite on to the root of a tree until death overcomes you while you are upon that state." We have also previously mentioned this authentic Hadeeth: "Islam began strange and new, and it will return strange and new." And it is related in another authentic Hadeeth, "The Hour will not arrive upon anyone who says, 'Allah, Allah."' What some of these narrations indicate is that it is permissible to withdraw from people when trials begin to appear. And the following is established in a Hadeeth: "Then if you see miserliness with avarice being obeyed, desires being followed, the opinion of each person being admired by its holder, then upon you is to adhere to your own self, leaving the affairs of the general public."
Abu Sa'eed (radi allahu 'anhu) related that the Messenger of Allah (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) said, "The time is near when the best wealth of a Muslim will be sheep, which he will follow through the peaks of mountains and places of rainfall, in order to save his religion from the trials." (Bukhaaree) At that time, when the said trials arrive, it becomes permissible to ask for death, even though doing so is otherwise forbidden, a ruling that is related in an authentic Hadeeth.

[ Taken from the book of the End by Ibn Kathir ]

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Islam was never sent to compulse Women or to leave them corrupt themselves...!
Islam is a blessing and a mercy to mankind. It has been revealed to us so that we may worship Allah in order to be protected from the evils of this world and know that Allah is one and he exists, to be superior in truth, in the way of righteousness.

When Islam came to this earth it was never meant to oppress any of Allah's servants, whatever Allah mentioned in the Quran along with the prophet Muhammad (salalahu alayhi wa salam) is the correct way of life. I don't understand why some of us like to change it. It is the people that oppress. Nowadays, I hear many Sheikhs along with some people turning the lawful to the unlawful and vice versa. They are saying "Haram" to nearly everything, and some are on the loose that they are saying "Halal" to everything that is wrong ....I like to write how I feel even though you may hate it...but what is it with those Sheikhs and the rulings on women? Why are they pinning women down so much? She is a human being. I never read a hadith about women not allowed to drive, or go outside the house at all (of course with permission)...Definitely back then even Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) used to work, some women used to do business. There are men everywhere! We are created in pairs, Male and Female! I'm not saying she should go out to expose herself in front of all the men, what I'm saying is that she is a human being, sometimes when there is no Mahram, and if no one wants to marry her , she needs to find her way to support herself and her parents in old age..........I don't understand how they take Islam? In my view Islam is a peaceful religion, Justice is served to everyone, Even to the Animals!

...But then one day I came to realize that we are at a very ignorant time, it seems that everything around us is not right...Nothing seems to have a balance, I'm even finding it hard to maintain a balance because nearly everything influences us and takes us away from the remembrance of Allah, I mean look around us.... But if Allah blesses a person, he blesses him with true knowledge and criterion because he strives to open his heart to truth even though people may dislike it. His only concern is the Akhira not the Dunya.

Narrated 'Abdullah and Abu Musa: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which Religious ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-Harj means killing." 

Narrated 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour, there will be the days of Al-Harj, and the religious knowledge will be taken away (vanish i.e. by the death of Religious scholars) and general ignorance will spread." Abu Musa said, "Al-Harj, in the Ethiopian language, means killing," Ibn Mas'ud added: I heard Allah's Apostle saying; (It will be) from among the most wicked people who will be living at the time when the Hour will be established."  
 ['Afflictions and the End of the World' of Sahih Bukhari.]

The ones who speak for Justice is as if everyone sees them as a people of hell fire...I mean the good sheikhs are in prison right now!!!! =/

Remember, that it is up to us to change things to the better. We are all not perfect human beings, but we can work together if we all stick to one goal. I'm always hoping for the establishment of the khilafah, when all the Muslim countries will come together as one under the name of Allah and his messenger. The time when we will be ruled by Allah's laws and not man made laws. When our flag will be one. The day when the Khalifah will rise, is the day Justice will be established through strife and struggle. Warriors of light walking in the path of righteousness, fighting oppression and bring back Justice to us Muslims. Why should we follow our enemy? We have the right to have our country ruled by Islam and not by Zionists and corrupted Arab leaders. How I wish to see it before my very sad eyes! ...But in order for this to happen, corruption and oppression must be wiped out from this earth, so that means a time must come when everything will be in a bad condition to get better...So yes, wars will increase even more than what it is now.........=/

I know I'm going off topic, but I just wonder why they are so afraid of us of having our own Shariah laws. It is the most Just law that never calls for oppression, wars and crimes...They know that in their hearts, they know that Islam is strong, when it is established, it is firm as a sword in a rock! They know that lots of people are coming towards Islam, and they know the affect of Islam back then, so this is why the enemies of Islam, Zionists try to hide the truth with falsehood, so that they can be superior, they want the life of this earth, they want power,  but if you are working evil then nothing is done sincerely , so how are you going  to establish anything right?... Even for your selfish selves??

Allah knows better about everything. If I'm wrong, May Allah forgive me!! And May Allah forgive all of us,

Lastly, May Allah ease the trials of the suffering muslims around the world especially the Syrians, may Allah grant them victory over those oppressors, ameen

May Allah grant them the strength to do Jihad in the way of Allah.


My Thoughts
Greetings everyone and Assalamu alaykum (peace be upon you). Well, first I want to show my appreciation and gratitude to all my followers and commentators of this blog before I write a normal dairy type of post. I thank all of you for taking your time to read my posts and commenting on them. That's very sweet of you and I'm more than grateful to have such supporters. Hmm. I have been trying to overcome some of my weaknesses these days, I don't know why it has become so challenging for me and still is. I have so many opinions and views in my mind but I can't seem to explain it or express it, I know why...In our Era of time, passing through this life is not an easy thing. Whoever wants to truly see what's happening around us, will really know why..It seems that the Muslim Ummah is failing with so many things after such mistakes after the fall of the khilafah.. sometimes even I cannot escape from the traps that the society has implanted amongst's as if we are stuck in chains, my dream interpretation was right, we are locked up in chains and we aren't able to let free. My belief in freedom is being a true slave of God by following everything he has sent for us even the country laws must be in the boundaries of righteousness, and so if we follow and enter the religion of truth wholesomely , there will be no oppression in the face of this earth. Last night , I went out during the silent night, I saw two shadows of me, instead of one, being such an optimistic person, I just thought that I have to choose one side of me that should prevail...however, I'm created one soul in one body not two. So there I struggle.. Looking at my neighbor hood, the tall beautiful trees , my house and the sad world, I just thought to myself I always wanted to be successful in my religion, in truth rather than materialism...maybe it's about Balance. To work for your goals in the right way. Since high school, somehow I always felt that something was not right for me, something is missing, I can still feel the darkness around us, there is something wrong.. I always wanted to live a life of righteousness, but that's the main problem. It is our inability to step out of the darkest Era of time to make a righteous way of life. Not everything that we see is the correct way of life. There are hidden mysteries behind our darkest times, but it seems that not many of us see it. Is it because we have no escape? We know that there is a cure for everything. Living a life of a believer is more than just caring about ourselves. How can any leader sleep when he knows that there are people living miserably from starvation and oppression? Every time I turn my head North, east, west and south, I feel like there is a trap , don't you feel that way ? Mankind never used to be that chained up.

Well, I really can't explain this further...because maybe it'll take a very long essay...I hope you get my main point. What I want to say, if we Muslims want to fix ourselves we must stop oppression by accepting the Khilafah and shariah in the right way, abandoning secularism to bring us all together as one people, but not every person wants this... they think that every sect they abide to will make them successful in terms of superiority..."Shut your traps and make way!" ... I wish the world was one country! So yeah, we need a strong man to sacrifice himself for God, truth and justice (what a man!), a wise one who understands his deen very well, who follows the ways of the prophet, who knows how to spread kindness, love and compassion ...aren't we all fed up of violence?

My heart always longs for the Khilafah. This life is short and it's nothing compared to the hereafter, but truth must prevail, we must show the others that oppression is not the path of Justice, we have to fight oppression, and be warriors so that we can establish GOD'S LAWS. Call us Jihadists, terrorists, Islamists, we are proud of being warriors. First of all not all Muslims are pious, some are evil too, so why can't they stop associating one bad man to all of us?  I'm not going to lie, we poor Muslims, men and women are always being picked on, we are the most ones who always have the problems.  It's enough that I'm the target when I walk around with my veil! I do watch the news...We are fed up of being hated and one day we will show how Islam can be!..

...But it seems in our time, there are so many traps, we are unable to we have to be patient for the right time to come?

"There will come a time of patience when the one who adheres steadfastly to his religion will be like one who holds a burning coal." [Narrated by al-Tirmidhi 2260, classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in 'al-Silsilah al-Saheehah' - 957]

In anyway,  Excuse me for my bad writing...
Allah knows better.

Division within the Nations

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

The Prophet (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) Informed Us That Trials Will Divide The Nation And Safety Will Be In Adhering To The Jamaa'ah (Those Who Are Upon The Way Of The Prophet (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) And His Companions)

'Aouf ibn Maalik (radi allahu 'anhu)  related that the Messenger of Allah (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) said,"The Jews divided into 71 sects: one is in Paradise and 70 are in the Hellfire. The Christians divided into 72 sects: one is in Paradise and 71 are in the Hellfire. And by the One Who has my soul in His Hand, this nation of mine will be divided into 73 sects: one is in Paradise and 72 are in the Hellfire." It was asked, "O Messenger of  Allah, who do you see they (i.e., the members of the saved group) are?" He said, "Al-Jamaa'ah (those who are upon the way of the Prophet (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) and his Companions)." (Ibn Maajah)

::So, let's beware of secularism. There's no need to put ourselves in separate categories when we are supposed to be one Muslim Ummah. It's a shame that we see so many right now.::

Allah Knows Better.

Hadith notes taken from the book of the end by Ibn Kathir

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Chapter 2: The Trials in General: Rotation of Good and Evil and Islam will return strange and new...

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, 
Insha'Allah. Now we come to the next chapter of the book which talks about the trials of the end times. Remember, It's not only about reading it, it's about taking heed of it...because no doubt we are seeing this happening around us...

1. The Prophet (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) Informed Us About The Rotation Of Good And Evil

Abu Idrees Al-Khoolaanee related that he heard Hudhaifah ibn Al- Yamaan say, "The people would ask the Messenger of Allah (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) about good and I used to ask him about evil, fearing that it would reach me." So I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, indeed we used to be in ignorance and evil, and then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) gave us this good. And after this good will there be evil?' He A said, 'Yes.' 'And after that evil will there be good?' I asked. 'Yes, but that (good) will have shortcomings and defects' I asked, 'And what are its shortcomings and defects?' He A said, 'A people who will be guided by other than my way; some of their deeds you will find laudable and others you will repudiate.' I asked, 'And after that good will there be evil?' He (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) said, 'Yes, callers upon the doors of the Hell fire; whoever
answers them their call, will be thrown by them in it.' I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, describe them for us.' He (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam) said, 'They are from our people and they speak our tongue.' I asked, 'And what do you order me to do if that reaches me?' He A said, 'Adhere to the Jamaa'ah of the Muslims and to their Imam.' I said, 'And if they have neither Imam nor Jamaa'ah?' He A said, 'Withdraw yourself from all of those groups, even if that means for you to bite on to the root of a tree until death overcomes you while you are upon that state. — (Bukhaaree)

2. Islam Will Return Strange And New As It Had Begun

'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood reported that the Messenger of Allah (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam)said, "Indeed Islam began new and strange and it shall return as it began - new and strange. So glad tidings to the strangers." (Muslim) It was asked, "And who are the strangers?" He (salalahu 'alayhi wa salam),aid, "Those who
are far away from the tribes." (Ibn Maajah)

[Taken from the book of the End by Ibn Kathir]

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